Thursday, September 23, 2004

It was one of those rare moments. The kids were having their recess, when the boy seated at the left-most corner threw up. His seatmate looked at his puke, and threw up as well. Then, the next child beside the second also threw up. It felt like I was in a cartoon. The kids, one after the other, were puking in order. It started with the kid seated the farthest and ended with the kid seated nearest the blackboard. I could see myself running in slow motion towards the kid in the corner, only to gasp at the puke-fest going on. It just had to be one of those days.

1 comment:

categorically imperative said...

I think I saw a movie with such scene. Remember Stand by Me? One of the kids was telling a story about some fat kid gorging on blueberry pie at the fair, after which he puked blue all over, and everyone was so grossed out they puked too.